Leadership Giving Endowments

With a gift to the Westmont endowment, you invest in the future.

Westmont’s endowment provides a dedicated and enduring source of financial support for the college and its mission. Endowed funds support scholarships, professor chairs, facilities, operations and programming. 

We seek to make a Westmont education both affordable and accessible. We can do this with your help- by growing the endowment. An endowed gift helps ensure that generations of future students will have access to a transformative Westmont education.  

Endowed Scholarships

Attract deserving and high-achieving students

Learn more

Endowed Chairs

Build a robust base of faculty talent

Learn more

Endowed Institutes and Centers

Ensure excellence and innovation

Learn more

Endowed Programs

Promote relevant and note-worthy instruction

Learn more

To establish an endowed scholarship, please contact:

Steve Baker


To fund an endowment named for an individual through a bequest, please contact:

Steve Davis


To find out about minimums for funding a new endowed chair, program or institute, please contact Steve Baker or Steve Davis.

The college manages its endowment in accordance with the Uniform Prudent Management of Institutional Funds Act (UPMIFA) as enacted by the state of California. As the name suggests, UPMIFA specifies that endowment investment and spending be governed prudently. UPMIFA also requires preserving the fair value of the original endowment gift.

To preserve the long-term strength of your endowment gifts, the amount of Westmont’s endowment spent each year is set at up to 5 percent of the average endowment market value over the previous 12 quarters, which is determined at the beginning of each calendar year. This strategy allows us to maintain stable spending levels in spite of fluctuating financial markets. It also provides an opportunity for growth in the endowment’s market value so that spending levels grow over time, either keeping pace with or outpacing the rate of inflation.

Giving to the Westmont College Endowment

If you would like to support the general endowment fund:

Give Online

Please choose "Other" on this form, and type Endowment to support the endowment fund or the name of a specific endowment you would like to support. 

Or send a check with Endowment written in the memo line to:
Westmont College
Office of College Advancement
955 La Paz Road
Santa Barbara, CA 93108-1089

We’re grateful for the generosity of alumni, parents and friends of the college who support our mission through their contributions to the endowment. 


Secure the Future